👋 Hi, I’m a comercial drone pilot, photogrammetry & VR enthusiast who loves to build & code robots.
Open Source Projects I’ve worked on:
GoldyDogV7 RONALD360 Insta360-Drone-Mount Quest-2-App UMN-RI3D-2023 Rhizobia-Analyzer Perspective-Correction
-🎥 360 Drone Tour Videos: Marshall School
-🌐 Web: felipegalind0.github.io umn-vr.github.io goldy.dog
-🎨 Polycam :poly.cam/@Felipegalind0
-📚 Git: github.com/Felipegalind0 github.com/UMN-VR
-🎦 YT: youtube.com/@Felipegalind0 youtube.com/@UMN-VR
-😎 WebVR(Open these w/ a VR Headset): GoldyDogV7 w/ Insta360 1:1 RONALD360 1:1
- 👀 I’m interested in Drones, Photogrammetry, 360 videography, WebXR, Babylon.js, Unity, ROS, Python, SwiftUI,
Inverse Kinematics & more.
- 🧑💻 Coding is my passion. I don’t prefer working with hardware, but I guess I’m ok at that too.
- 🙃I’m currently living in Minneapolis, and frankly I don’t like it, Duluth is better.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I dropped a phone from the Golden Gate, sometimes I’m not the brightest :/
- 🇨🇴 I was born in Colombia and speak fluent spanish.
- 🇺🇸 I live in the states so I speak English, duh.
- 🇩🇪 My sister was learning French, I wanted to learn a third language to match her, and I met this cute girl who spoke german so i decided I was going to learn german and I did.(Sort of)
- 👊🏻 If you’re like me and you rely on Open Source Hardware and Software(literally everyone in the planet), you shoud make your projects Open Source, and contribute to projects you think are important.
- 📖 I was working on a CS degree at UMN but I won’t be able to finish that because I’ve been paying sticker price up unitl now, and the U denies me aid because of my nationality :(
-📧 Mail : felipegalind0@outlook.com(prefered)
(gali070@umn.edu(old), felipht@stanford.edu(old), gali1383@marshallschool.org(old))
-👾 Discord : FelipeGalind0#9289
📫 The best way to reach me is to send a discord message or an email.
I’ve been working on a CS degree at UMN for the past two years, I went to Marshall School & Stanford Summer Session 2019. I’m interested in Drones, Photogrammetry, WebXR Development in Babylon.js and VR Develoment in general. I designed my own Robot Dog, and made a hobby of CADing 360 camera attachments for a Drone, an Omnidirectional Robot, among other things. I’m an early adopter of imersive tech, ever since I got my Gear VR I feel in love with it.
I have a part 107 licence, send me an email if you want to work with me!
Looking for a Job at a company that aligns with my values and chalenges me to grow my skills.
Some of the things I have worked on:
An Open Source Boston Dynamics inspired Lightweight Quadruped Robotics Platform with a MPU-6050, LiDAR A1, RP4B, Insta360, 4g connectivity & an Airtag.

GoldyDogV7 w/ Insta360 3D Model.
GoldyDogV7 w/ Insta360 1:1 WebVR Model.

GoldyDogV7 w/ Insta360 CAD Model

An open source, cheap, 4-mecanum-wheel robot capable of swiftly navigating very flat surfaces through teleoperation via a 360 camera which I used to capture the images for the Google MyBuisness Profile of Marshall School

RONALD360 3D Model
RONALD360 1:1 WebVR Model

An Open Source demonstration of photogrammetry in VR, made in Unity for Quest 2 & WebVR

An Open Source Carbon Fiber Nylon Insta360 Drone Mount capable of flying on a A2S at full speed for up to 18 Minutes

News Article Thingverse Page
Designed Washington Elite Dentistry’s:
vCard Google Profile Website

- Present • 1 year 10 months
526 Delaware Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455
Project Director
Tesla Works
- Present • 2 years 1 month
Database Manager/ Software Engineer
Washington Elite Dentistry
- • 3 years 11 months
555 12th St. NW, Suite L-300, Washington DC 20004, United States
University of Minnesota
Bachelor of Science - BS, Computer Science
Marshall School
Stanford University
Summer Session 2019, Computer Science
Licenses & Certifications
Google StreetView Trusted Photographer
Unmanned Aircraft General – Small (UAG) (Part 107)
Federal Aviation Administration
Credential ID 4687698
American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Member
And Much More…